I've spent a lot of time in front of a computer this past week. And when I say 'a lot of time', I mean it. I'm talking a 'cluster-migraines-I-don't-remember-the-last-time-I-went-for-a-walk' amount of time. It got so bad I actually started to wear my glasses again. But it wasn't nearly as bad as it can get with writing. There's one thing no one ever tells you about writing when you first get into it, and that's that it will break you if you're not careful. Stories will grab and ride you, and characters will take up residence in your head. You'll force yourself to write the things you don't want, and then force yourself to write the things you want to but are avoiding for completely different reasons. You'll become this strange shadow of a person, possessed by emotions and voices not entirely your own. A caffeine-fueled, sleep-deprived, temporarily crazy person fighting-migraines and wearing those sexy new eye-sty accessor...